Saturday, March 26, 2011

Holi Color Wars!

HOLI! Where can we even begin? Holi is the Hindu celebration of Spring-time and vibrant color. Of all of the subcontinent’s eccentric celebrations, Holi is one of the most unique, bizarre and exhilarating. ‘Kids from 1 to 92’ take to the streets with bags full of colored powder, eggs galore and water balloons and super-soakers filled with paint.  No one escapes the color wars… and everyone secretly LOVES getting dirty. Even after a 10-minute chase across the village fields and a smashed egg on the forehead, you always hear a genuine “thank you” from the victim. 

Although Holi is a celebration of good overcoming evil, the light of Spring overcoming the darkness of Winter, by the end of the day everyone’s beautiful, colorful faces and glowing spirits morphed into contorted, demonic creatures… exhausted and confused after a long battle. 

Much to our surprise, the Holi celebration began the minute the bell rang at school on the Friday before Holi
We weren't prepared to retaliate, but at least Cassie had her game face on
On Saturday when our sister Laxmi woke us up at 7AM, already colorful, we knew it was time...
Before breakfast, our younger brother Pratham caught Cassie off gaurd
Holi began in a dignified manner- fun, colorful, gentle.  Our Ugandan friend Elijah enjoys the calm before the storm
 Our Nepali siblings Pratistha and Pratik share a tender moment before the war really began 

No more Mr. Nice Guy, after Avi egged our brother Prajwal- the principal of our village school
It's on!
It is hard to believe that Nepalese could have more fun on any other day of the year
Often serious and hardworking, our Nepali uncle Arjun let loose on Holi
Even Uncle Bhim, the most successful and admired businessman in the village, unleashed his goofy and affectionate self
Life continues as normal for some; the Dutch volunteers took a break from playing Holi to help our neighbors plant a new rice crop
Everyone gets a little closer when you play Holi
When Cassie's hair effectively turned into a protective helmet, we were ready to take to the streets 
As we left our house we were met by a motorcycle gang, ready for war 
Morning time enemies become allies when threatened by an oncoming mob
Minutes later we all joined forces for a village-wide dance party
We had the opportunity to avenge our students from the day before
No one is safe on Holi, as the air becomes thick with color!
As the day progresses, the demons come out in all of us
Where's Waldo? For the first time in 5 months our white faces no longer stood out in our village!

Whether good or evil wins in the end, Holi is simply pure fun for everyone.

Care to join us next year?

1 comment:

  1. Cassie! My mum just told me that you are in Nepal! What a beautiful journey you two are on, and sharing so well. A very dear friend of mine is in Nepal several months a year - there now - and I think you would really enjoy each other. Her blog is here: and her name is Deana Zabaldo. She leads treks up to Everest base camp (looks like you might have already done this?!) as well as being deeply immersed in Nepalese culture and history, and helping set up a non-profit tea plantation. I'll try to get your email address from my Mum and send an intro to you three.

    All the best & wishing you a long and fruitful journey,
    Annie Bacon
