Saturday, December 11, 2010

First Impressions of Nepal

Exiting the Kathmandu airport

A sigh of relief overcame us as we left behind the crowds of India and found ourselves breathing fresh Himalayan air in Nepal. We spent our first week on the outskirts of Kathmandu, in Boudha— surrounded by dancing prayer flags, monks, pilgrims and authentic Tibetan Buddhist culture. These photos sum up our first impressions!

Watchful eyes of the Buddha reside over the town of Boudha 

Thousands of pilgrims circle the enormous Bodhnath Stupa every night to spin prayer wheels and send out peace to the world

A view of town from the Stupa 
Many Nepalis worship gods of all religions.  Check out the variety of deities for sale at this shop 
A typical sight in the Kathmandu Valley
Even monkeys spend their days chillin' with the Buddha
A view of Kathmandu from a hill-top temple 
Prayer flags adorn almost every mountain side
Famous Durbar Square in Kathmandu
A giant tree grows out of a shrine
Old world meets new: in a quickly modernizing city, deities are intertwined with iphones   
Om Mane Padme Hum
Just in case you didn't believe we were actually here.

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